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AFT Massachusetts members and leaders from around the state joined students, educators, parents, and community leaders today at the State House to call on Governor Charlie Baker and the Legislature to end the generation-long underfunding of local public schools and public colleges and universities. Advocates called for a major $1.5 billion reinvestment in public education by May, so that local schools will see increased budgets in the upcoming school year and college students can avoid tuition hikes this fall.

“For too long, Massachusetts has failed to adequately fund our local public schools and colleges, and as a result, many students, especially in our Gateway Cities, don’t have equal opportunities for a well-rounded education,” said AFT Massachusetts President Beth Kontos. “They don’t have librarians or nurses. They don’t have music or art classes. Their class sizes are too big, and their school’s budgets are too small. It’s time we hold our state leaders accountable for properly funding our schools.”


In times of disaster, we’ll be there


AFT members show up BIG for each other because we care about each other.

When September’s gas explosions in Lawrence, Mass., closed schools, volunteers from surrounding communities, including teachers and staff, turned out to help at volunteer centers. Our new video about how AFT members care, fight and show up for their students and community is a must-watch.


The American Federation of Teachers, AFT Massachusetts, the Salem Teachers Union, and the Peabody Federation of Teachers distributed thousands of free books to local students on Saturday, December 1, 2018 through a partnership with First Book.

“Teachers from across our districts were thrilled to help select books for our students to take home and read,” said Salem Teachers Union President Ann Berman. “The event was a huge success, and it felt great to be able to help so many kids and their families by giving them the gift of reading.”


The Lawrence Public Schools (LPS) cannot afford another charter school. The state already underfunds LPS by $49 million, according to one estimate.2  Worsening that deficit is the fact that LPS already pays out more than $21 million every year in tuition to charter schools. If Equity Lab is approved, an additional $8 million annually would be diverted from the LPS budget, cutting further into the academic programs, enrichment activities, and social services our students need and deserve. The state needs to fully fund our public schools before approving any new charters.


This year, two AFT Massachusetts locals created podcasts to communicate with their members and the general public.

“With all of the different forms of communication people use today, it’s important for our local unions to reach out in every way possible. Teachers in Lowell and Boston are using podcasts to connect with each other, share important information about our schools, and organize to improve our profession and the lives of our students,” said AFT Massachusetts President Beth Kontos. “It’s easy to get started listening to a podcast or even creating your own. Talk to other members of your union – maybe you’ll be the next AFT local with a podcast!”


A new partnership between the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), AFT Massachusetts, the Lynn Teachers Union, and a group of high school students from Lynn Vocational Technical Institute (LVTI) aims to raise funds to purchase 15,000 books for Lynn students via First Book.

In an effort to promote literacy, students from LVTI SkillsUSA chapter reached out to AFT Massachusetts to build a team of committed educators and students whose primary goal is to get more books in the hands of young people in their community.

“Our Chapter of SkillsUSA is excited about this opportunity to give back to the


Massachusetts Teachers and School Staff Stand with Massachusetts Nurses


The UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, celebrated its 50thAnniversary this week with a gathering at the Claire T. Carney Library Living Room at UMass Dartmouth.

“Faculty and staff at UMass Dartmouth have been able to accomplish so much because of 50 years of hard work and solidarity by generations of dedicated Federation members,” said Dr. Catharine M. Curran, PhD, President of the UMass Dartmouth Faculty Federation. “As we enter our sixth decade as a union, we are stronger as a faculty and as a campus because of all the committed and excellent


AFT Massachusetts has launched a new member-driven ad campaign, featuring AFT Massachusetts members speaking to each other about why they're sticking with the union. AFT members will start seeing these video clips on Facebook, Twitter, and other websites this month.

The ads feature AFT members from all across the state talking about why they value their union, and why being part of the AFT is so important to them. 

The Lynn Teachers Union and the Lynn Public Schools this week began offering an English as a Second Language (ESL) class for Lynn parents.

Twenty-five parents with students from four Lynn elementary schools, Breed Middle School, Lynn Classical High School, and Lynn English High School attended the first class at the Lynn Teachers Union offices on Tuesday morning.

“It was amazing how many parents wanted this — after we announced the class, we got more than 75 calls, and ended up with 25 people on the waitlist,” said Sheila O'Neil, President of the Lynn Teachers Union. “The enthusiasm was