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News from AFT Massachusetts and President Jessica Tang

August 2024 Communicator

A message from Jessica Tang; Happy Labor Day Weekend; Electoral Update; Organizing Update; Advocacy Update; and more!

Happy Labor Day Weekend! As we celebrate all the victories the labor movement has won for working people, it’s also time to reflect on the work that remains. This November’s election will be critical to preserving our hard fought rights and victories, like ensuring all workers benefit from the strong labor protections we’ve won over the past century, and giving people in every industry a voice on the job through the ability to join a union.

Back-to-school season is also in full swing, and many of you are already in the classroom, welcoming students back to our K-12 schools and colleges. Others return this week. As you return, we hope you are talking to your fellow union members about your priorities for the school year, and what we can accomplish when we organize, fight and get out the vote together. As you welcome your students back, please remind them and their families to utilize our public libraries: a terrific year-round resource!

With Election Day approaching, our summer at AFT Massachusetts was anything but slow.

Communicator July 2024

A message from Jessica Tang; Organizing Opportunities; Contract Campaigns; AFT Massachusetts Members in the News; Climate Corner; Beacon Hill Update and Solidarity Events!

This month, as I joined AFT Massachusetts leaders and our union siblings from across the nation at the AFT Convention in Houston, Texas, we heard the news that President Biden would no longer be seeking reelection. That afternoon, I joined members of the AFT’s Executive Committee to unanimously endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for President.

In the week-plus since then, we’ve seen why Kamala Harris is the right choice for this moment in our nation’s history. President Joe Biden is the best labor president in our nation’s history, and Vice President Kamala Harris has been by his side leading the fight for reproductive rights, labor rights, and social and economic justice.

Communicator June 2024

From winning contract victories and fighting for full school funding, to advocating for educator diversity and the end of state receiverships on Beacon Hill, this has been a busy month for AFT Massachusetts.

It was empowering to meet so many of our union’s members this month, whether it was at rallies in Chelsea and Boston, during lobby days in the State House, reading to students in Springfield, during the first-ever State-Wide Community Schools Summit, or marching with the BTU in the Boston Pride for the People Parade.

Communicator May 2024

Message from Jessica Tang; AFT Massachusetts 2024 Convention Recap; Student Debt Clinics for AFT Members; Join Our New Paraprofessional Committee; ing for Public Sector AFT Members; and Summer Organizing Institute and 2024 Fall Conference.

Communicator April 2024

Message from Beth Kontos; 2024 PSRP Conference; 2024 AFT Massachusetts Convention; Join AFT Members at the 2024 Step Up For Colleen 5k Walk/Run; Student Debt Clinics for AFT Members; Retirement Planning for Public Sector AFT Members; 2024 Massachusetts Education Justice Convening: Strategize. Organize. Win! and Summer Organizing Institute and 2024 Fall Conference.

March 2024 Communicator

A Message from Beth Kontos; 2024 AFT Massachusetts Convention; Student Debt Clinics for AFT Members; Join AFT Members at the 2024 Step Up For Colleen 5k Walk/Run; Retirement Planning for Public Sector AFT Members; 2024 Massachusetts Education Justice Convening: Strategize. Organize. Win! and Summer Organizing Institute is Back!

Monthly Communicator

A Message from Beth Kontos; 2024 AFT Massachusetts Convention; It’s time for a PSRP Bill of Rights; Retirement Planning Worksop for AFT Members; Student Debt Clinics for AFT Members; and Upcoming Events.

Communicator January 2024

A Message from Beth Kontos; 2024 AFT Massachusetts Convention; Wentworth Faculty and Librarians Win New Contract as the Result of the Union's Patience, Determination, and Unity; Lowell Middle School Offering In-School Barbershop, Free Haircuts, Thanks to Efforts of AFT Member; A Conversation with Kim Kelly; 2024 Distinguished Service Awards Program; Student Debt Clinics for AFT Members; and Upcoming Events.

Communicator December 2023

A Message from Beth Kontos; 2024 AFT Massachusetts Convention; A Conversation with Kim Kelly; 2024 Distinguished Service Awards Program; Student Debt Clinics for AFT Members; and Upcoming Events.

Communicator November 2023

A Message from Beth Kontos; 2024 Distinguished Service Awards Program; Scholarships for AFT Families; Student Debt Clinics for AFT Members; Retirement Workshop for AFT Members; the Labor Guild's Workshop Series; and Upcoming Events!