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A Second Chance at R+

We will be kicking off our advocacy for this legislative session with a Retirement Plus Lobby Day on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. The lobby day is in partnership with the BTU, MTA and the R+ Committee, and will provide members an opportunity to speak directly with legislators about the importance of legislation providing a Second Chance at Retirement Plus.

For decades, the AFT Massachusetts and member locals - including the Boston Teachers Union – have helped members navigate their benefits systems, which can be complex. Whether it be through advocacy, education, or resources, the AFT Massachusetts has been on the frontline of an issue impacting thousands of teachers across the Commonwealth – the Massachusetts Teachers Alternative Retirement Plan, or Retirement Plus.

In 2001, Massachusetts introduced Teachers' Alternate Retirement Plan (TARP) or Retirement Plus, an enhanced retirement option for teachers, school nurses, related service providers and other educators with a deduction rate of 11%. All educators hired after July 1, 2001 were automatically enrolled in the new program, but current educators had only 6 months to opt in. A complicated process and confusing branding meant that many educators didn’t properly enroll, or thought they were enrolled when they really weren’t.

Federal Funding January 2025

Any freeze on federal funding our schools rely on will likely have catastrophic impacts on our ability to provide a quality public education to all. The threat alone has already created further instability and uncertainty for our schools, our students, and their families. 

Programs across all levels of education will be impacted – from those that ensure homeless students have access to school to special education services to work-study programs for low-income college students. Beyond programming, there are grant-funded jobs on the line. These jobs in pre-k through higher education are critical for local working families – including AFT Massachusetts members – and will vanish when the funds do. 

Safety of All Students

We wholeheartedly condemn President Trump's agenda and the xenophobic and racist rhetoric being used to stoke fear and division throughout our nation.

As educators, we are focused on justice and equal opportunities for all students. We know firsthand that children cannot learn if they don't feel safe. These threats take an emotional, psychological, and physical toll on our children and their families. If continued, they will have a chilling effect on our schools and communities.

All children have a right to an education, no matter their immigration status. That right is protected by the U.S. Constitution and federal law prohibits anyone from attempting to restrict a child's access to that education. Educators across the state and nation are ready to stand up and defend the rights and safety of their students.