The Lowell Teacher Academy (LTA) is the “brainchild” of the United Teachers of Lowell (UTL). Paul Georges, UTL President, saw the need back in the early 90’s for a venue that would allow teachers to pursue excellence in their practice right here in Lowell at a reasonable cost. Hence, the LTA was “born.” Since that time, hundreds of teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, tutors, etc., have taken advantage of the LTA offerings. Pina Maggio, Director of the LTA, explains the purpose of the LTA is twofold: To provide incoming teachers with a comprehensive Induction Program; and, to provide all staff the opportunity to attend workshops and enroll in courses that will enhance their teaching practice and skills. The LTA Induction Program assigns new teachers in Lowell a mentor. Mentor teachers are expected to support new hires in developing the interpersonal skills and knowledge to meet the needs of Lowell’s diverse student population. New hires are required to attend workshops and seminars that enhance teaching and learning.