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News from AFT Massachusetts and President Jessica Tang - May 2024

A Message from Jessica Tang

On Monday, we observed Memorial Day, and honored the lives of the service members who died while on duty in the service of our country. On Memorial Day and every day, we can honor their sacrifice by working to protect the rights they defended with their lives.

It was wonderful to see so many AFT Massachusetts members at this month’s annual convention, and I was incredibly honored to be elected as the next President of our statewide union. I want to thank outgoing President Beth Kontos for her leadership as our President for the past six years, for the comradery we shared during my time as President of the Boston Teachers Union, and for her dedication to students, educators, and union members throughout her career. She will be staying on for the next few months as our Special Projects Manager to assist with the transition and appreciate her for doing so!

I look forward to working together with all the members of AFT Massachusetts to build our power, not just as AFT Massachusetts members, but as a labor movement and in partnership with community allies. Together, we will amplify the voices of workers, students, families, and our neighbors, and continue to build the great schools and communities we deserve. My goal is to visit each local some time this year. If you have an upcoming meeting or event that I can attend, please let me know!

Read on for updates on several of our union’s activities and priorities this month.

Lawrence update

For more than a decade, students, families, and educators in Lawrence have been subjected to a deeply flawed system of state takeover that has gotten in the way of efforts to improve student outcomes, while taking away local community voice. We are working closely with the Lawrence Teachers Union and community allies to ensure that Lawrence Public Schools exit state receivership and return to truly democratic local control.

But this month, the appointed Lawrence Alliance for Education board disregarded months of community input and moved to fill the extremely important superintendent position with a candidate that was not deemed qualified. Instead, the process was changed to push through a candidate with political connections to the Mayor. We are urging DESE Commissioner Johnston and the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to ensure a fair, transparent process and appoint the candidate that has the highest qualifications. The students of Lawrence deserve no less. Click here to write a letter to express your disapproval with the Lawrence superintendent selection process!

Contract campaigns

Congratulations to the Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association and the Holliston Federation of Teachers on reaching tentative agreements!  Several other AFT Massachusetts locals are engaged in high-profile contract campaigns, including Salem, Fall River, Boston, and Chelsea. See the ‘solidarity events’ section below for opportunities to support their campaigns.

Beacon Hill update

There is a lot happening on Beacon Hill as we approach the end of the state’s two-year legislative session. The ‘R+’ bill — which would allow current educators who weren’t properly enrolled in the Teachers' Alternate Retirement Plan (TARP) to opt into the enhanced TARP retirement benefits that educators hired after July 1, 2001 receive — was reported out of the Public Service Committee and is now before the House Ways and Means Committee for its review. We are advocating to bring it up for a vote this session.

We received good news about the Fair Share Amendment: collections from the state’s new tax on incomes over $1 million were up by $800 million in the first ten months of the fiscal year, nearly doubling initial projections. This will ultimately mean more funding for transportation and public education throughout the state.

With passage of the State Senate’s budget last week, a conference committee of House and Senate members will now be appointed to negotiate a final budget for the FY25 fiscal year. While both budgets make historic levels of investment in public education, AFTMA will continue to advocate for additional funding throughout the budget process to meet the needs of our students and communities for strong public services.

Summer opportunities

Questions about student debt? AFT is hosting virtual student debt clinics on June 13 and 24, 2024 ET to help our members navigate their debt. Learn more about PSLF and how you can save with Summer. Register:

Many AFT Massachusetts members spend their summers teaching summer school, but Toni Bourgea, a veteran teacher at South Shore Vocational Technical High School in Hanover, has spent the past two summers teaching English to Polish and Ukrainian students in Poland, near the Polish-Ukranian border. The program is still seeking a few additional teachers for this summer’s camps, which run from June 22-July 15. If you are interested, please contact Toni at
Join AFT Massachusetts and the Boston Teachers Union for our annual Summer Organizing Institute on August 14 and 15. Whether you are a brand new building rep or activist learning the basic building blocks of organizing or a seasoned union leader looking to bargaining your strongest contract ever, these two days are for you. Build effective building rep skills, effective bargaining, and effective organizing skills. This year we will focus on core building rep skills like signing up new members into our unions, knowing our rights, and contracts. We will also have opportunities for bargaining committees, leaders, and activists to dig into developing contract campaigns and having organizing conversations. Sign up here to RSVP
And from August 5-9, the United Association for Labor Education is hosting their Northeast Summer School for Women in Unions and Worker Organizations. Join women leaders and activists from labor unions and worker organizations throughout the Northeast for this comprehensive, bi-lingual (Spanish and English) four-day leadership institute. Participate in skills building workshops, cultural activities, political action and education sessions designed to expand our understanding of solidarity and deepen our ability to resist oppression. Register here.
Last year, ten AFT Massachusetts members participated in a two-day Climate Action Through Education program at MIT to help develop interdisciplinary, standards-aligned climate change curricula for U.S. high school teachers in History, English/Language Arts, Math, and Science, and the program is taking place once again this year, on August 19 & 20! This curriculum emphasizes climate solutions, goes beyond climate science, and leans on MIT’s vast research and resources around climate change. Each participating educator receives 10 PDPs, and a $350 stipend from AFT Massachusetts is available. The free, open-source curriculum, including more than 20 labs, lessons, units, and activities.  Interested educators can apply here.
Solidarity events - AFT family
  • June 3: Chelsea Teachers Union Rally. 3pm outside of Williams Middle School, 180 Walnut St, Chelsea, MA 02150. We will rally and then march into bargaining.
  • June 5: Boston Teachers Union Rally. 4:30pm outside of the Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building, 2300 Washington St, Roxbury MA 02119. We will rally and march around the school department building.

Solidarity events - community 

  • Saturday, June 8: State-Wide Full-Service Community Schools Summit. 9am – 3:30pm at the BTU, 180 Mount Vernon Street, Dorchester MA 02125. Join to learn more about community schools and attend workshops featuring exciting presenters! Register here.
  • Saturday, June 8: Boston Pride for the People Parade. 10:30 a.m. in Copley Square, Boston, MA 02116. RSVP here.
  • Tuesday, June 11: Educators On the Hill Day for the Educator Diversity Act. Meet us at the State House for a 10am rally on the State House steps, followed by a legislative briefing in the Member’s Lounge at 11:20 and then end with door knocking from 1-3pm. Please email Mike Canavan ( to let us know if you can join us!
  • Wednesday, June 19: Juneteenth celebration at Franklin Park with the AFT Black Caucus. We will be giving out free children’s books about Juneteenth and will be there from at least 10am to 1pm, by the Shattuck Hospital.

AFT Massachusetts 2024 Convention Recap

This year’s annual AFT Massachusetts convention was a historic one, as delegates unanimously elected Boston Teachers Union President Jessica Tang as President of AFT Massachusetts, making her the first person of color and first openly queer person to serve as President of our statewide union. The convention was also a moment to honor the contributions of outgoing President Beth Kontos over the past six years.

“It’s an honor to represent the 25,000 educators, librarians, health and public service workers from across the commonwealth who make up AFT Massachusetts,” President Jessica Tang said. “Our union shares a vision of a state with public schools and colleges that all of our students can thrive in, and libraries and public services that all of our communities can be proud of. Massachusetts should continue to be a model for what’s possible, and I know we can achieve tremendous things when we as union members organize together with our communities.” Read MORE:

Student Debt Clinics for AFT Members

Questions about student debt? AFT is hosting virtual student debt clinics on Jun 13 and 24, 2024 ET to help our members navigate their debt. Learn more about PSLF and how you can save with Summer.
➡️ Register:

Join Our New Paraprofessional Committee!

Calling all paraprofessionals! We're creating a new, dedicated space for PSRP members to meet on a regular basis to share stories, strategies, successes, and failures. With Senator Ed Markey's PSRP Bill of Rights, PSRPs across the country have the tools to fight for fair wages, health care, appropriate training & supplies, and secure their voice in making decisions in their locals. Paras are winning strong contracts across the state through innovative organizing and bargaining strategies. Now is the perfect time to come together to teach and learn from each other. We here at AFT MA have committed to created a space for our PSRP's to meet to discuss these important topics and more. SIGN UP HERE ->

Summer Organizing Institute is Back!

Join AFT Massachusetts and the Boston Teachers Union for our annual Summer Organizing Institute. Whether you are a brand new building rep or activist learning the basic building blocks of organizing or a seasoned union leader looking to bargaining your strongest contract ever, these two days are for you.

Build effective building rep skills, effective bargaining, and effective organizing skills.
This year we will focus on core building rep skills like signing up new members into our unions, knowing our rights, and contracts. We will also have opportunities for bargaining committees, leaders, and activists to dig into developing contract campaigns and having organizing conversations. Sign up here to RSVP.

SAVE THE DATE: Fall Conference

Our Fall member conference is on Saturday, October 5th this year. Please save the date in your calendar, and then let us know what sessions and trainings you'd most like to see! We want to gear the content around what is most helpful for YOU, our members.

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