The right to vote underpins every other right we have. This year, we face four interlocking crises of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic recession, the reckoning with systemic racism, and the consequences of climate change. With just a week left until Election Day, many votes have already been cast, but there’s still time to make your voice heard at the ballot.

Election Day is November 3, but especially if you’re planning to vote by mail, you should make a plan now. Here’s what you need to know to vote this fall:
Vote By Mail:
If you applied to vote by mail, you should have received a ballot from your city or town election department. If you don’t receive a ballot by September 1, 2020, you may vote in person instead. If you receive a mail ballot late and still want to vote in person, bring your mail ballot with you when you go to vote.
You can return your ballot two ways: if you’re mailing your ballot, use the return envelope that was provided with the ballot. For the General Election, your ballot must be mailed by November 3, 2020 and received by November 6, 2020. You can track your ballot using the Secretary of State’s website.
If you’re hand-delivering your ballot, you can drop it off at your local election office or in an official ballot return drop-box. Find their locations here.
Or Vote in Person:
Early Voting is available from October 17, 2020 to October 30, 2020. You can find early voting schedules and locations for each city and town here. On Election Day, Tuesday, November 3, polls will be open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.
AFT Massachusetts Endorsed Candidates
The AFT Massachusetts Executive Board has endorsed US Senator Ed Markey for reelection, and endorsed Joe Biden for President. AFT has compiled a comparison of the presidential candidates' views and proposals here.
We’ve also endorsed Question 2 on the statewide ballot (Ranked Choice Voting) as well as many candidates for US Congress, State Senate, and State Representative, listed below.
“These candidates have shown strong support for public education and deserve your vote this fall,” said President Kontos. “We also urge a ‘Yes’ vote on Question 2, which would allow Massachusetts voters the choice to rank candidates for office in the order they prefer them, giving voters a stronger voice when we cast our ballots and ensuring that the winners of our elections have majority support.”
US House of Representatives
Jake Auchincloss -- Katherine Clark -- William Keating -- James McGovern -- Richard Neal -- Ayanna Pressley -- Lori Trahan
Massachusetts State Senate
Joe Boncore -- Michael Brady -- Harriet Chandler -- Sonia Chang-Diaz -- Nick Collins -- Brendan Crighton -- John Cronin -- Julian Cyr -- Salvatore DiDomenico -- Diana DiZoglio -- Jamie Eldridge -- Paul Feeney -- Anne Gobi -- Adam Gomez -- Adam Hinds -- Pat Jehlen -- John Keenan -- Edward Kennedy -- Jason Lewis -- Joan Lovely -- Susan Moran -- Patrick O'Connor -- Marc Pacheco -- Becca Rausch -- Michael Rush -- Karen Spilka -- Walter Timilty -- John Velis
Massachusetts House of Representatives
Christine Barber -- David Biele -- Antonio Cabral -- Pete Capano -- Gerald Cassidy -- Tacky Chan -- Michael Connolly -- Marjorie Decker -- Emmanuel Dockter -- Carol Doherty -- Paul Donato -- Michelle DuBois -- Christina Eckert -- Nika Elugardo -- Teresa English -- Denise Garlick -- Richard Haggerty -- James Hawkins -- Natalie Higgins -- Vanna Howard -- Kay Kahn -- Patrick Kearney -- James Kelcourse -- Michael Kushmerek -- Kathy LaNatra -- John Lawn -- Jack Lewis -- Liz Malia -- Joan Meschino -- Aaron Michlewitz -- Elizabeth Miranda -- Rady Mom -- James Murphy -- Tram Nguyen -- Maria Robinson -- David Rogers -- Jon Santiago -- Danillo Sena -- Thomas Stanley -- Paul Tucker -- Steven Ultrino -- Erika Uyterhoeven -- Andres Vargas -- Thomas Vitolo