Thousands of Boston-area public school families attended a fun-filled and educational Back To School Fair on Saturday, September 22, sponsored by members of the Boston Teachers Union (BTU). Among the attractions were music and activities for students of all ages, free books and educational materials and resources for parents from community partners.

“It's a pleasure to be able to see the joy on the faces of families when they're getting books and information from community organizations, or when the children have their faces painted,” said Brenda Chaney, a Parent and Community Liaison with the Boston Teachers Union.
The annual Boston Teachers Union Back To School Fair is one example of the BTU's commitment to students in and outside the classroom. As the BTU continues to negotiate for a fair contract, serving the whole student is top of mind. Events like the Back To School Fair provide students with resources to help make sure they are ready to learn.
“Events like the Back to School Fair focus our attention on what's most important: the students and families that make up the Boston Public Schools,” said Jessica Tang, President of the Boston Teachers Union. “This school year kickoff event allows our vibrant school community to come together in an informal setting to celebrate both a new school year and the importance of reading.”
This year, the BTU is particularly focused on three important ways the Boston Public Schools can serve all students better, with the right resources:
- Inclusion Done Right: The BTU is advocating for Inclusion classrooms with two certified teachers as the best formula for making sure all students have an equal opportunity to learn.
- Social and Emotional Wellness: The BTU wants to make sure the school system has enough nurses and psychologists to help secure our students' mental, physical and emotional health.
- Tackling Homelessness: The BTU wants to take an active role in supporting homeless students short-term and ending student homelessness long-term.
The Back To School Fair was a huge success with close to 2,000 family members and educators coming to focus on literacy and get resources from our community partner including 40,000 free books through the AFT/BTU partnership with First Book.
“Each year the Boston Teachers Union and other AFT Massachusetts locals welcome students back to school with free books as part of our First Books program,” said Beth Kontos, President of AFT Massachusetts. “As educators, we know the importance of reading and the enjoyment it brings to us throughout our lives. Thanks to all the people who make celebrations of reading and education a success!”
Additional information about the Back To School Fair can be found on the BTU website.