On March 16, a domestic terrorist took the lives of eight people at multiple spas in Atlanta, Georgia. The victims, predominantly Asian women working in the service industry, were targeted because of their race, their gender, and their jobs.
This violent attack comes amid a period of rising anti-Asian racism, encouraged by some of our country’s political leaders, that has led directly to a disturbing increase in violent attacks and other hate crimes being committed against Asian Americans across the country.
AFT Massachusetts members and leaders stand with our Asian American and Pacific Islander members, students, families, and the entire AAPI community in grieving the victims of Atlanta shootings and other recent attacks, and denouncing anti-Asian racism and violence. We see your pain and we share your anguish.
We also recognize that racism and violence against Asian Americans is not new, but reflects hate and prejudice that has been present throughout our history as a country. As a union, we pledge to continue fighting together against racism and misogyny, and to do the work necessary to protect our vulnerable members, students, and community members.
Together, we will mourn, we will organize, and we will continue to fight to build a truly just and equitable society that protects all people from violence and hate.