The AFT Massachusetts has announced our endorsement of Ed Markey for re-election to the United States Senate – the latest labor endorsement for a champion of public education and working people. We encourage all AFT Massachusetts members to cast their vote for Senator Ed Markey on Tuesday, September 1 (Primary Election Day) and Tuesday, November 3 (General Election Day).

Senator Markey is committed to fighting for the rights of union workers across the Commonwealth and nation. In October, he walked the picket line with SEIU 509 Fidelity House workers in Lawrence demanding better pay and working conditions. In February, he stood with UNITE HERE Local 26 airline catering workers for a rally at Logan Airport to call on LSG Sky Chefs to provide fair wages and affordable healthcare for its employees. Just two weeks ago, he stood alongside the Massachusetts Nursing Association and United Auto Workers Local 2322 as they called on the owners of Providence Behavioral Health Hospital to stop the closure of the Providence Behavioral Health Hospital Psychiatric Unit.
“I am incredibly grateful for the support of the American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts,” said Senator Markey. “Our school employees and our educators are heroes. Their work is instrumental to ensuring that our children are prepared for the future. They deserve to have wages, health care, and other benefits that reflect just how vital their role is. While their usual tools of tablets and pencils have been replaced by tablets with pixels in the coronavirus pandemic, these educators’ skills and commitment remain integral to the health, well-being, and success of Massachusetts’s students. My father was a union leader, and I learned just how critical unions are to families, to our economy, and to our democracy. I will always fight for AFT Massachusetts, and I am proud that they will fight for me.”
The Executive Board of AFT Massachusetts, which voted on the endorsement, is made up of elected

"Senator Markey has been a proven friend to labor and supporter of public schools,” said Cynthia Yetman, President of AFT Amesbury Local #1033 and a member of the AFT Massachusetts Executive Board. “He visited Amesbury a few months back and met my new mayor and fellow Amesbury citizens. He has my support."
Senator Markey has a 100 percent voter record in the Senate from the AFL-CIO, and his campaign is endorsed by unions throughout the state including American Postal Workers Local #4553, UNITE HERE Local 26, AFSCME, SEIU 888, SEIU 32BJ, CWA 1400, AFA, and AFGE.
The Primary Election will take place on Tuesday, September 1, and the General Election is on Tuesday, November 3. You must be registered to vote by August 12 in order to vote in the Primary Election, and by October 14 in order to vote in the General Election. Visit the Secretary of State’s website to check your voter registration status or to register to vote.