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Virtual Election Town Hall


Online via Zoom
United States

Monday, April 26 at 5pm, AFT members will gather on Zoom to discuss AFT MA & BTU's electoral priorities for 2024, rally around our endorsed candidates & ballot questions, and learn about how to get involved to elect Kamala Harris and candidates/issues down the ballot who will champion our rights! Sign up here.


Who:                Members of AFT Massachusetts

What:               Election 2024 Town Hall

When:              Monday, April 26 at 5pm

Where:            Online via Zoom



It’s not an exaggeration to say that, on the national level, the outcome of this election will determine the next direction of the labor movement: we will either be able to expand our fights and wins for members and working families; or if Trump wins, we may likely be weakened and fighting for basic labor rights. And that’s not to mention his record and platform of assault on women’s and reproductive rights, democracy, and so many other issues that are important to our members. 


We also have a huge opportunity this year to replace MCAS as a high school graduation requirement – if we educate voters about what we already know: that standardized testing harms our students and undermines our high standards for education.


With just 76 days until the General Election, we’ve got our work cut out for us. There are a number of great ways to get involved that we will cover in the Town Hall. 


I hope you sign up here to join us on Monday on Zoom. 


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