2020 Share My Lesson Virtual Conference
Registration is now open for our 2020 Share My Lesson Virtual Conference. Register today for free and join this community to receive updates about the conference.
Last year, we had over 22,000 registrations with educators joining us from all over the world. Join us March 24-26, 2020, as we offer over 30 webinars, each worth one-hour of professional development credit that you can attend in your PJs.
Register for Webinars by: Keynotes, Day, or Topic
Topics Include:
- Current events and student activism webinars;
- Addressing needs, balancing equity, and building inclusive communities webinars;
- Trauma-informed practices, health and social emotional learning webinars;
- Instructional strategies across the curriculum webinars;
- Science, technology, engineering and math webinars; and
- Webinars for all school staff.
Visit https://sharemylesson.com/vc2020 for additional information!