AFT Massachusetts members are...
Moving Forward Together at the 2023 AFT Massachusetts Convention

The past year has brought important changes to the educational landscape in Massachusetts, from the passage of the Fair Share Amendment to the election of a new Governor who is a strong supporter of public education. In this new era, AFT Massachusetts is working to deliver the schools and libraries our communities deserve, the services and staffing our students need, and the workplace protections AFT Massachusetts members rely on.
On April 29, convention delegates from across the state will celebrate our victories, discuss the battles we face, and be inspired to act. We’ll welcome new members of our union, celebrate new caucuses, hear about important initiatives, and further develop our collective strength as educators and organizers. We’ll hear from speakers, including:
AFT Massachusetts President Beth Kontos & Secretary-Treasurer Brant Duncan
AFT President Randi Weingarten
Massachusetts AFL-CIO President Steve Tolman
AFT Massachusetts leaders from across the state
We have multiple important campaigns ahead of us: fully implementing the Student Opportunity Act; ending the failed state takeover/receivership system; fully funding all of our public schools; winning living wages for paraprofessionals and school-related personnel; delivering affordable, high-quality public higher ed for all; providing fair and affordable public retiree benefits; and more. By moving forward together, we have the power to win these victories and build the schools, libraries, and communities we dream of.
#AFTMA #MovingForwardTogether23