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Advocating for a World Class Public Higher Education System

Public higher education campuses, including the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, the state universities, and community colleges, play a vital role in the economy of our state, both from the immediate activity of faculty, staff and students as well as in preparing a well-educated workforce for the future. High-quality and affordable public higher education is essential to our Commonwealth, serving as a key driver of our economic vitality, a catalyst for civic participation in our democracy, and a pathway to good jobs and the middle class for thousands of Massachusetts residents.

Please take a moment and send an email to your State Representative and State Senator asking them to support two pieces of legislation that would establish a blueprint for a world-class public higher education system: the Cherish Act and Debt-Free Public Higher Education Act and to ask them to encourage the Joint Committee on Higher Education to report these bills out favorably. Including a few sentences about your experiences can go a long way – legislators respond best to personal stories from their constituents!

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